Welcome! You’re receiving this because you were on the Kacie Hill Music mailing list which I’ve now converted to a newsletter, or you responded to my instagram story - thanks! I’ll likely send these out once a month, and you can expect to receive all that in which a regular mailing list would entail, alongside other fun announcements like snippets of new songs, merch, poems, favorite passages, etc.
As a first post, I’d like to offer some self-indulgent reflective words about 2022 and a look at some plans for 2023.
I don't have Spotify stats from 2021 except for that blurry screenshot of a screenshot, because they were pretty much nonexistent, but the love I've felt in 2022 from the people around me and the support for my single California Blue has been so freaking incredible. I played my music with a band for the first time in 2022 (with our first show being at Cafe du Nord!), I joined a band (The Quilters!), and I met an inspiring, genuine, artful community of people in San Francisco who have stolen my heart and made this past year so dang wonderful.
2022 was definitely a year of growth, in terms of music and listeners and numbers, but also in terms of myself, and I'm so thankful to be able to do this thing. It’s so easy to reach a huge milestone, take a breath, and immediately let your self critic waltz through the door and convince you that you’ve already begun falling behind. Like “yeah that was pretty sweet, but now what?”. I don’t have an answer for that, ha, I just remind myself that it’s normal.
As for 2023, I rang in the new year sweetly with friends, writing a silly song, and being surrounded by the deep green forest and the big, perfect crashing waves of the Northern California coast. In the coming months, I’ll be teaching and attending classes and (most importantly) writing and recording some new songs. I’ll keep on being grateful for the baby steps and the big leaps that led me here. (like the Cali Blue release show)
up next
I’ll be releasing my song, Splinter, soon! And I have some upcoming shows:
Sunday, February 5th @ The Atrium in Santa Cruz, opening for Deb Talan | $20
Thursday, March 2nd @ The Lost Church in SF, opening for Ordinary Elephant | $15
This is a poem that my friend Jacob read to some friends on New Years and I wanted to share since it’s been floating around my head for a while.
More or Less by Josef Albers
Easy – to know
that diamonds – are precious
good – to learn
that rubies – have depth
but more – to see
that pebbles – are miraculous
There is no world without a stage
and no one lives for not-appearing
Seeing of ears invites to speak
knowing of eyes invites to show
Notice also, silence sounds
listen to the voice of color
Semblance proves it can be truth
as every form has sense and meaning
To distribute material possessions
is to divide them
To distribute spiritual possessions
is to multiply them
Calm down
what happens
happens mostly
without you
That’s all for now, folks. Thanks so much for reading & listening & being here,